Godwin, Kara A., and Hans de Wit, eds. 2019. Intelligent Internationalization. The Shape of Things to Come. Global Perspectives on Higher Education, volume 43. Leiden, Boston: Brill/Sense, www.brill.com/gphe. This book is a rich collection of essays on the internationalization of higher education, written by over 40 scholars and practitioners in the feld from a broad range of countries on all continents. It was compiled on the occasion of Laura Rumbley’s farewell as associate director and assistant professor of the practice at the Boston College Center for International Higher Education (CIHE), and her transition to a newly created position as associate director of knowledge development and research at the European Association for International Education (EAIE), in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
De Wit, Hans, Laura E. Rumbley, Daniela Craciun, Georgiana Mihut, and Ayenachew Woldegiyorgis. 2019. International Mapping of National Tertiary Education Internationalization Strategies and Plans (NTEISPs). CIHE Perspectives 12. Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, www.bc.edu/cihe. This issue is the second report commissioned by the World Bank. The first one, CIHEPerspectives 1 (2016), sought to map the landscape of international advisory councils (IACs) at tertiary education institutions around the world. With this second report, the World Bank and CIHE envisioned another mapping opportunity, in this case to gauge the scope of National Tertiary Education Internationalization Strategies and Plans (NTEISPs) in several low- and mid-income countries.
Schendel, Rebecca, Lisa Unangst, Jean Baptiste Diatta, Tessa DeLaquil, and Hans de Wit, eds. 2019. The Boston College Center
for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2018–2019. CIHE Perspectives 13. Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, www.bc.edu/cihe. This publication is the third in our series of yearbooks, which present our key activities from the year, along with a collection of articles from our graduate students, research fellows, visiting scholars, and staff.
Currently, CIHE is fnalizing several other publications based on projects undertaken over the past period. A SAGE book on Global Trends of Doctoral Education, edited by Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach, and Hans de Wit. CIHE Perspectives 14 with the proceedings of the WES-CIHE Summer Institute, June 2019. And three Brill/Sense publications: Global Phenomenon of Family Owned and Managed Universities, edited by Philip G. Altbach, Edward Choi, Mathew Allen, and Hans de Wit; Refugees and Higher Education, edited by Lisa Unangst, Hakan Ergin, Araz Khajarian, and Hans de Wit; and Corruption in Higher Education, edited by Elena Denisova Schmidt.