- Hans de Wit, Laura Rumbley, and Dara Melnyk, eds. The Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Year in Review, 2017–2018,CIHE Perspectives no. 9, published in 2018. This report provides an overview of our activities over the academic year and offers a collection of articles — original or recently published — from graduate students, research fellows, and visiting scholars, as well as from Founding Director Philip G. Altbach, Associate Director Laura E. Rumbley, and Director Hans de Wit. We are proud of the many products we have created and the results accomplished over the year, and this report illustrates our accomplishments.
- Hans de Wit, Laura E. Rumbley, Fiona Hunter, Edward Choi, and Lisa Unangst, editors of the section “Higher Education as a Global Reality.” In J. C. Shin, P. Teixeira (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, forthcoming. Springer Science+Business Media: Dordrecht. This section includes 60 contributions from authors from all over the world on internationalization and globalization in higher education.
- Hans de Wit, Andrés Bernasconi, Visnja Car, Fiona Hunter, Michael James, and Daniela Véliz, eds. Identity and Internationalization in Catholic Universities: Exploring Institutional Pathways in Context. Global Perspectives on Higher Education series, Volume: 41.Brill/Sense, 2018. This publication explores the relationship between Catholic identity, mission, and internationalization in Catholic universities of different types and located in different contexts. It includes 16 case studies from Latin America, the United States, the Asia Pacific, and Europe, and chapters on regional perspectives on Catholic higher education as well as, more specifically, Jesuit higher education, the global network of La Salle universities, and internationalization in the United States, Latin America, the Asia Pacific region, and Europe.