Các ấn phẩm mới

(Lời Ban biên tập: Tạp chí IHE sẽ không tiếp tục tóm lược nội dung sách mà chỉ đưa ra danh sách đầy đủ hơn các ấn phẩm về giáo dục đại học. Chúng tôi hoan nghênh việc giới thiệu của độc giả về các ấn phẩm in ấn ngoài khu vực Mỹ và Anh. Danh sách này được Edward Choi, trợ giảng sau đại học của Trung tâm thực hiện)


Attebery, Brian, John Gribas, and Mark K. McBeth, eds. Narrative, Iden­tity, and Academic Community in High­er Education. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis, 2017. 218 pp. $160 (hb). Web­site: www.routledge.com.

Banks, James A., ed. Citizenship Educa­tion and Global Migration, Implications for Theory, Research, and Teaching. Washington, DC: American Educa­tional Research Association, 2017. 572 pp. $90 (hb). Website: www.aera.net/publications.

Deardorff, Darla K., and Lily A. Arasaratnam-Smith, eds. Intercultural Competence in Higher Education—In­ternational Approaches, Assessment, and Application. Abington, UK: Rout­ledge, 2017. 312 pp. $38.95 (pb). Web­site: www.routledge.com.

Kumar, C. Raj, ed. The Future of Indian Universities: Comparative and Interna­tional Perspectives. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017. 482 pp. INR 1,495 (hb). Website: global.oup.com.

McMahon, Walter W. Higher Learn­ing, Greater Good: The Private and Social Benefits of Higher Education. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. 415 pp. $22.95 (pb). Web­site: jhupbookspress.jhu.edu.

Ndlovu, Musawenkosi W. #Feesmust­fall and Youth Mobilisation in South Af­rica: Reform or Revolution? New York, NY: Taylor & Francis, 2017. 164 pp. $140 (hb). Website: www.routledge.com.

Paige, Susan Mary, et al. The Learning Community Experience in Higher Edu­cation: High-Impact Practice for Stu­dent Retention. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis, 2017. 132 pp. $149.95 (hb). Website: www.routledge.com.

Preece, Julia. University Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning: The Porous University. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 214 pp. € 96.29 (hb). Website: www.palgrave.com.

Robertson, Susan L., Kris Olds, Roger Dale, and Que Anh Dang, eds. Global Regionalisms and Higher Education Projects, Processes, Politics. Chelten­ham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2016. 336 pp. $130.50 (hb). Website: www.e-elgar.com.

Teferra, D., ed. Flagship Universities in Africa. New York, NY: Palgrave Mac­millan, 2017. 535 pp. € 109,99 (hb). Website: www.springer.com.

Troschitz, Robert. Higher Education and the Student: From Welfare State to Neoliberalism. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis, 2017. 236 pp. $150 (hb). Web­site: www.routledge.com.

Whitchurch, Celia, and George Gor­don. Reconstructing Relationships in Higher Education: Challenging Agen­das. Abington, UK: Routledge, 2017. 192 pp. $48.95 (pb). Website: www.routledge.com.

Yeravdekar, Vidya Rajiv and Gauri Ti­wari. Internationalization of Higher Education in India. New Delhi: Sage, 2016. 284 pp. $60 (hb). Website: www.us.sagepub.com.

Zwaan, Bert. Higher Education in 2014. A Global Approach. Amsterdam, Neth­erlands: Amsterdam University Press, 2017. 256 pp. € 19.95 (hb). Website: en.aup.nl.