• Douglas Proctor and Laura E. Rumbley, eds. The Future Agenda for Internationalization in Higher Education: Next Generation Insights into Research, Policy, and Practice, published in 2018. This book, published in the Routledge series on “Internationalization in Higher Education”, examines new contexts (contexts or environments for internationalization which have not previously been researched in detail); new modes (new or alternative methodologies or frames of reference for exploring, understanding, and/or researching internationalization); and new topics (aspects of internationalization and/or international activities that have limited exposure in the current discourse). The book’s 21 chapters largely feature “next generation perspectives” from an emerging group of researchers and analysts who bring new questions, concerns, and insights to bear on the examination of the phenomenon of internationalization in higher education.
• Educación Superior en América Latina (ESAL), published in 2018. The third issue of ESAL – Revistade Educación Superior en América Latina—has been published. This publication is a joint initiative of Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla, Colombia), the Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) at Boston College, the Pontifcia Universidad Católica de Chile, and the Sindicato das Mantenedoras de Ensino Superior (SEMESP) in Brazil.
• Ayenachew A. Woldegiyorgis, Douglas Proctor, and Hans de Wit. Internationalization of Research: Key Considerations and Concerns, published in 2018. This article, published in the Journal of Studies in International Higher Education, outlines a range of key considerations and concerns for the continued internationalization of research, frst by documenting the various rationales for, and factors affecting international research collaboration, and then by examining how internationalization in research might be measured.
• Hans de Wit, Andrés Bernasconi, Visnja Car, Fiona Hunter, Michael James, and Daniela Véliz eds. Identity and Internationalization in Catholic Universities, Exploring institutional Pathways in Context. Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Dordrecht, Brill/ Sense, in publication 2018. This book explores the relationship between Catholic identity and mission and internationalization in Catholic universities of different types and located in different contexts. Internationalization is a key concern for universities working to achieve their goals in different regions of the world but without neglecting their identity. There are many universities that consider themselves related to the Roman Catholic faith – and many other universities with Christian affliations – all of these institutions will fnd this book relevant and useful. It is well known that Catholic universities have unique missions, such as the formation of individuals inspired by a religious conviction to serve society and the Church. That is why it is imperative to have empirical knowledge to help develop practical and effective policies on central themes such as internationalization – a fundamental part of many universities’ developmental strategies – while paying special attention to each university’s specifc context. The book involves sixteen case studies from Latin America, the United States, the Asia–Pacifc, and Europe. The book includes also chapters on regional perspectives on Catholic higher education as well as more specifcally Jesuit higher education, the global network of La Salle universities, and internationalization in the United States, Latin America, the Asia–Pacifc region, and Europe. The study is fnancially supported through a grant from the Luksic Fund, a fund of the Chilean Luksic family providing grants to stimulate cooperation between the PUC de Chile, Boston College, and University of Notre Dame.