Ấn phẩm mới của CIHE

Elena Denisova-Schmidt. The Challenges of Academic Integrity in Higher Education: Current Trends and Prospects, published in 2017. CIHE Perspectives 5 addresses the issue of ethics and values in international higher education, an increasing concern in an area of massification, privatization, and globalization in higher edu­cation. http://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/research_sites/cihe/pubs/CIHE%20Perspective/Perspectives%20No%205%20June%2013%2C%202017%20No%20cropsFINAL.pdf.

Ayenachew A. Woldegiyorgis, Laura E. Rumbley, and Hans de Wit, eds. The Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Year in Review, 2016-2017, published in July, 2017. CIHE Perspec­tives 6 presents a collection of articles—new or recently pub­lished—from the Center’s graduate students, research fellows, visiting scholars, and faculty. http://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/research_sites/cihe/pdf/Perspectives%20No%206%20Yearbook%207-27.pdf.

Georgiana Mihut, Philip G. Altbach, and Hans de Wit, eds. Un­derstanding Global Higher Education, Insights from Key Global Pub­lications, published in 2017. This issue of the Global Perspectives on Higher Education series is the first book from a collaboration between CIHE’s IHE and University World News, bringing to­gether some of the most relevant articles over the past five years on topics of lasting interest. https://www.sensepublishers.com/ catalogs/bookseries/global-perspectives-on-higher-education/ understanding-global-higher-education. The second book by the same editors is: Understanding Higher Education Internationaliza­tion, Insights from Key Global Publications, https://www.sensepub­lishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/global-perspectives-on-higher­education/understanding-higher-education-internationalization.

Philip G. Altbach, Liz Reisberg, and Hans de Wit, eds. Respond­ing to Massification, Differentiation in Postsecondary Education Worldwide, published in 2017. Having first appeared as a report published by the Körber Foundation, the exploration of how post­secondary education can be organized coherently to meet soci­ety’s needs is presented in this issue of the Global Perspectives on Higher Education series. https://www.sensepublishers.com/catalogs/bookseries/global-perspectives-on-higher-education/responding-to-massification/.