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CIHE Publications

New Publications in CIHE Brill/Sense, Series: Global Perspectives on Higher Education.

 Refugees and Higher Education

Trans-national Perspectives on Access, Equity, and Internationalization

Volume 47

Editors: Lisa Unangst, Hakan Ergin, Araz Khajarian, Tessa DeLaquil, and Hans de Wit

Publication Date: July 23, 2020


Refugees and Higher Education provides a cross-disciplinary lens on one American university’s approach to studying the policies, practices, and experiences associated with the higher education of refugee-background students. The focus is on refugee education
as an issue of access and equity, and seen through the lens of internationalization. This publication also offers a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary overview of refugee education issues around the world. It provides key insights for faculty and staff at higher education
institutions currently enrolling asylees or refugees, or considering to do so in the future.

 Corruption in Higher Education

Global Challenges and Responses

Volume 46

Editor: Elena Denisova-Schmidt

Publication Date: June 18, 2020


Lack of academic integrity, combined with the prevalence of fraud and other forms of unethical behavior, are problems that higher education faces in both low-income and higher-income countries, at mass and elite universities, and at public and private institutions. While academic misconduct is not new, massifcation, internationalization, privatization, digitalization, and commercialization have placed ethical challenges higher on the agenda of many universities. Corruption in academia is particularly unfortunate because of its impact of student formation, and corruption of research has serious implications on the future of science. The contributors to Corruption in Higher Education: Global Challenges and Responses bring a range of perspectives to this critical topic.

Tin tức Hội nghị

CIHE Conference on International Higher Education postponed until 2021

The Center for International Higher Education has decided to postpone to 2021 its frst biennial Conference on International Higher Education, which was originally scheduled for October 23 and 24, 2020 at Boston College. The preliminary dates are October 22–23, 2021.
Marking the 25th anniversary of both the Center and International Higher Education, the conference is intended to bring together senior academics and leaders in international higher education from around the world, alumni, friends/partners of CIHE, as well as other scholars, doctoral students, and postdocs with an interest in the feld. The event will be organized around two tracks—international and comparative higher education, and the internationalization of higher education—and will include invited keynote presenters, panel discussions, and presentations of individual papers.

Digital paper sessions 2020

On October 23–24, 2020, CIHE intends to organize two or three digital sessions featuring the presentation and discussion of selected papers. Paper proposals that have already been submitted are currently under review, and their authors will receive more information on these digital sessions. This information will also be posted on CIHE’s website.

2021 Conference Call for Proposals

The following keynote speakers have confrmed their presence in 2021: Philip G. Altbach and Hans de Wit (Boston College); Simon
Marginson (University of Oxford, UK); Rajani Naidoo (University of Bath, UK); and Ly Tran (Deakin University, Australia). A modest registration fee will be charged to all attendees. The full call for paper proposals and the registration link are both available on the CIHE website.

Paper submissions are due by May 15, 2021.

It is our intention to publish some of the presented papers in special issues of Higher Education and the Journal of Studies in
International Education (please note: there is no guarantee that a paper selected for inclusion in the conference program will be published in either journal, but all selected papers will be considered).